Tuesday, November 24, 2009

could be something

Jacob awoke in the middle of the night wondering if she was OK. He wished he knew her name. He wondered if she could be out in the woods somewhere. He knew he'd know if she were hurt. He just would. He thought so anyway.

Still it wouldn't go away. This image of her. He needed to know who she was. It lingered with him through his daily chores around the house. When he finished up the last of the morning coffee, he decided he'd ask around.

"Is there anybody new around here?" He started with Jed at the tackle and bait shop that was also the post office and grocery store just down the road from where he lived.

"No, I don't believe so." The thin old man shrugged as he was putting envelopes of mail in wooden boxed shelves. He handed Jacob his mail.

"I thought I saw someone other day." Jacob looked at Jed.

"A gypsy. Could be those gypsies coming through." Jed told him.

"I've never seen a gypsy around here, Jed." Jacob couldn't help but smile, wondering if the old man was just being funny or maybe senile.

"Oh, they're a careful bunch. They don't like people to see them unless they want to be seen." Jed went back to shoving mail in the post office boxes.

Jacob nodded. So now there were gypsies to worry about. First he'd heard of it. But he was sure she wasn't a gypsy.

"Well, thanks." Jacob sighed, holding on to his mail. Naturally, there was nothing much in it. After all, this was pretty much the end of the world up here. It seem to drop off into the ocean once you got to the cliffs. He strolled back to his truck. He guessed he better get to Sam's. Hopefully, he could keep busy there on an engine or something. He knew they didn't like to talk about it, but he was taking some online classes. He might just major in mid-evil history in college yet.